Less than two years ago our board of directors sat around a breakfast table discussing expansion opportunities. Due to a small operational foothold in Bangladesh, it was decided to prayerfully "swim a bit further out into the pool" and see if God might have additional work for us there to do.
In May of 2023 we did that, and the Lord opened a door - not only to increased involvement, but also to a strategy that has potential for reaching many people in Bangladesh with the gospel.
Central to this strategy is a missionary training center that would be dedicated to training the "next-gen" of front-line workers, equipping them for Kingdom service on the very cutting edge of missions: those places where Jesus is not known. Exciting stuff.
We subsequently shared this vision with you - our P92 co-workers - and the Lord moved hearts to respond. Financial resources poured in in record time, sufficient not only for the building of a facility, but also sufficient to both prime the training pump and to help us get a head start on sending graduates into the mission field.

Now, please keep one thing in mind: Bangladesh is a Muslim country! Nearly all of its 170 million people are Muslims! And yet...God. God, in his great love and mercy for these people, is making a way so that a few more of them can hear the saving news of his Son.

And now, less than two years from when the decision to "swim deeper" was made, the Bangladesh Missionary Training Center is a reality! Not just in bricks and mortar, but - as we speak - with the first batch of students (below, earlier this week)! Most of these are in-the-field workers, and are (and will be) critical parts to the overall strategy. So, let's train them first. Then, beginning in June, the seats will be filled with a new crop of students hungry to learn, and then to get out there and participate in God's great rescue mission!

What can we say other than, "The LORD has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes" (Psalm 118:23)! Sincere thanks to each one who gave financially, who prayed, or in some other way participated in this truly remarkable accomplishment (HIS accomplishment, not ours!). Please continue to pray - for the current batch of students, for the upcoming recruiting and training of next-gen missionaries in the months and years ahead, and for the development of missionary teams all over Bangladesh that are linking arms for the common objective of reaching their countrymen for Christ.
Exciting times!
Thank you, High Pointe Church, for being a part!
Dr. Matthew Smith
Founder & Director
Project 92