Think back to a time when you stood on the shore of a bay, and out in the bay you saw a sailboat. It wasn't moving. It's sails were flat because there was no wind. That sailboat, without wind, was dead in the water.

Thinking about this concept in the context of missions, we often busy ourselves with many missions-related activities, good as these may be, but neglect the most important activity: prayer. Prayer is the wind that fills the sails of missions, enabling it to fulfill its purposes! Without prayer, missions is dead in the water, just like that sailboat.
Missions is God's work, from start to finish. He is the one who open doors and blinded eyes. He is the one who gives spiritual understanding and saving faith. He is the one who pushes back strongholds, frees captives, and shines light on those living in darkness. We try to do these things, but it is God who actually does them.
And therefore - when it comes to missions - we must pray, asking God to do what only God can do.

The Shadow of Islam
Nearly two billion people live under the shadow of Islam. Their lives are governed by fear, deception, and a sense of not knowing if they have done enough to earn Allah's favor. They believe in Jesus, just not the way we do. Their whole belief system is askew, at points resembling truth and yet when examined as a whole falls apart. They need to meet the real Jesus. Only God can coordinate such a meeting! Muslims represent a vast river that is rushing towards the falls, and we want to join God's rescue effort!
Project 92 and NewLife Ethiopia, both supported by High Pointe Church, are working with Muslim people groups in Asia and Africa who have little or no knowledge of Messiah Jesus. Both ministries know that nothing moves in enemy territory without the power of the Holy Spirit. And God’s power is activated through our prayers.
High Pointe has a concentrated one hour of prayer at 10 a.m. on the 4th Sunday of every month*. We meet in the “upper room” at church. Won’t you please join us in dedicated prayer for unreached people and for the persecuted church?
Dead in the water, or sails full...which one will it be?
Dr. Matthew Smith, Project 92
Joy Casey, NewLife Ethiopia
*In September 2024 the prayer hour will be on the 29th; missions Sunday is the 4th Sunday