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Guatemala Mission Trip July 2024


JULY 5th eight people from High Pointe jetted to Guatemala to participate in the first mission trip partnering with Hands of Hope and Bethesda, a Mayan church in Xenacjo (SHEN-a-coe).  It is the rainy season there and successfully dodging downpours has made their days “interesting”.


Pastor Marlan of Bethesda Church is interested in receiving training for leaders and others in his church that is useful for the home visits they are doing in Xenacjo.  To that end, the HP team came prepared with a workshop on disciple-making using the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) method as a wonderful tool with small groups or individuals. 

Jenny Atkins spearheaded the workshop and was able to teach in Spanish which was extremely helpful.  All the team members had a role to play as they broke into small groups (men, ladies, teens) to practice what they learned. It was fun to model how studying together and finding new people to study with is an easy and enjoyable way to disciple both new and mature Believers.  The day was filled with prayer, teaching and practicing DBS that generated laughter and bonding with the students and each other. 

The van ride back to Hands of Hope Guest House is a time to share the successes and challenges of the day.    

It was fun to crowd into the small church complex of Bethesda Church Sunday morning.  What joy to worship with brothers and sisters of another culture!  


Ann Brownlee shared a devotional …

...and Jeff Harris shared his testimony, both communicating wonderfully through an interpreter.


Sunday afternoon was a fun time in a quaint town called Antigua.  Lunch in one of the many restaurants was delicious …


...and wandering the cobblestone streets admiring the architecture and poking in the little shops was a great way to wrap up a memorable Sunday.


Carie Sauders dressing up Mayan! 

Guatemala is beautiful and is surrounded by volcanoes.  One shouldn’t go to Guatemala without experiencing a hike to one of them, so Monday was the designated day to hike to the Pacaya volcano, rain clouds not withstanding. 


Pacaya is an active volcano and is a challenging 3.5 mile hike.  Dinner and a dry, warm bed was especially welcomed that night! 

 Guatemala Team – 2024


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